
Doctor Kondrakhin: hot weather is dangerous for people with kidney and heart diseases

hot weather
Doctor Andrei Kondrakhin: hot weather contributes to dangerous changes in the body with existing chronic diseases of the lungs, kidneys and heart.

Doctor Kondrakhin explained that when the temperature of the ambient air is compared with the temperature of the human body or exceeds it, the so-called extreme conditions for the body arise. The human body in such circumstances generates heat and at the same time feels the opposition of the environment. The body needs a lot of strength and resources to cope with such a load and not suffer from overheating. Existing chronic health problems deprive him of such resources.

Kondrakhin noted that in chronic diseases, hot weather affects the body as a particularly aggressive environment.

“In the heat, going outside is dangerous for everyone, but especially for people with diseases of the lungs, kidneys, and heart. This is due to the fact that the water-electrolyte metabolism is disturbed, ”the specialist said in an interview with Vechernyaya Moskva.
The doctor reminded the cores that in conditions of heat, blood thickens, blood circulation may be disturbed, and blood pressure may change. The heart begins to experience an increased load, arrhythmia may occur, there is a risk of a blood clot.

As for people with diseased kidneys, they should be aware that the filtration function of the organ may deteriorate in the heat, due to which the concentration of unwanted, potentially toxic substances in the body increases.

Hot weather requires a change in the dosage of drugs for hypertensive patients
The doctor advised, if possible, to avoid being in the heat for people with chronic diseases.

Why hot weather is dangerous for people with heart disease

Earlier, the portal wrote about the signs poisoning in the summer, you should definitely call an ambulance.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Andrey Kondrakhin Andrey Kondrakhin Health therapist, candidate of medical sciences