
Doctor Khukhrev named atherosclerosis among diseases that often develop asymptomatically

doctor and patient
Therapist Alexey Khukhrev identified 3 types of diseases that tend to develop asymptomatically.

Doctor Khukhrev told Moscow 24 about pathologies that remain “silent” for a long time after their occurrence due to the absence of any external signs. In particular, among the diseases that often develop asymptomatically, the doctor named atherosclerosis – a disease of the vascular system, in which excess cholesterol is deposited in the vessels and so-called plaques appear. These formations disrupt normal blood flow, provoke the accelerated development of hypertension and worsen the condition of the vascular tissue, making it rigid and susceptible to damage. It is atherosclerosis that is often called the main culprit of strokes and heart attacks that occur in people.

“Atherosclerosis can develop unnoticed – high cholesterol is not accompanied by any symptoms,” said Alexey Khukhrev.
The doctor added that many people develop hypertension associated with it without symptoms.
Another type of “silent” ailments is liver disease. Khukhrev noted that this organ lacks pain receptors, and therefore a person with a diseased liver may not feel anything for a very long time.
“The growth of a tumor in the liver or chronic hepatitis is usually detected by chance during routine tests,” the specialist warned.
Also, he added, numerous oncological diseases are asymptomatic. For example, malignant tumors of the pancreas or colon make themselves known only when they become very large – at this stage of cancer, its therapy is usually ineffective.

Considering this feature of dangerous diseases, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations and checkups annually – this is the best way to detect them in a timely manner, the expert emphasized.

Earlier, the portal wrote that eating vegetables with beta-carotene helps prevent the development of cancer.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Alexey Khukhrev Alexey Khukhrev Health physician-therapist