
Doctor Gorodokin named popular analgesics that can cause gastritis

taking medication
Painkillers popular among Russians can contribute to the development of gastritis, said gastroenterologist Igor Gorodokin.

According to the doctor, our compatriots tend to treat pain syndrome on their own (at least in a rush). The simplest solution in this case is taking an analgesic. If your head hurts or your knee hurts – few people immediately go to the doctor, most people will take painkillers.

Doctor Igor Gorodokin warned: such a habit is fraught with the development of gastritis.

“Some painkillers provoke the development of gastritis”, – informed the specialist.
Gastritis is characterized by inflammation in the gastric mucosa, it can be acute or chronic. Many people do not know that they have gastritis. Meanwhile, the inflammatory process increases the risk of dangerous complications, including the development of cancer. Doctor Gorodokin noticed that popular analgesics can cause it.

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“These are ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, nimesil, which are taken for arthritis, headaches, pain during menstruation ”, – the specialist listed.
He emphasized that frequent and incorrect intake of drugs can lead to gastritis.

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Earlier, the portal wrote that the doctor Alexander Myasnikov named drugs that can contribute to the development of diabetes.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Igor Gorodokin Igor Gorodokin Health gastroenterologist