
Doctor Buniatyan: twitching when falling asleep is a signal of epileptic activity

twitching when falling asleep
Somnologist Mihran Buniatyan explained in which cases twitching when falling asleep is an alarming symptom.

Dr. Buniatyan said in an interview that twitching during falling asleep occurs when the transition from wakefulness to the first or second stage of sleep is made. This happens especially often in young children, whose nervous and muscular systems are not completely formed.

As for twitches in adults, they should not be considered dangerous if normal falling asleep occurs.

“If after twitching, the transition to sleep is disturbed, and a person cannot fall asleep, then this is a reason to contact a specialist to find out if the failure of the process of falling asleep is a sign of illness, ”the doctor Buniatyan shared with Gazeta.Ru.
The doctor noted that often such twitches signal the presence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome or restless legs syndrome. In addition, twitching when falling asleep is a signal of epileptic activity.

“There are various diseases associated with sleep disorders, for example, the so-called parasomnias. It could also be some kind of epileptic activity,” Mihran Buniatyan said.
Earlier, the portal wrote about what diseases bluish nails can indicate.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Mihran Buniatyan Mihran Buniatyan Health somnologist, doctor of functional diagnostics