
Doctor Budantseva: lack of appetite in the morning is an alarming sign of a number of pathologies

lack of appetite
Nutritionist Svetlana Budantseva said that lack of appetite in the morning may indicate hypothyroidism, hepatitis and other pathologies.

Doctor Budantseva stated: lack of appetite in the morning is an alarming sign, it is characteristic of a number of pathologies. The nutritionist listed the problems that can manifest themselves in this way.

  • Sharp fluctuations in blood sugar (glucose):
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Frequent violations in the diet;
  • Abuse of coffee;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Stress, anxiety;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Lack of fresh air.

In addition, appetite may disappear due to age-related changes.
But the listed factors usually cause a temporary lack of appetite. If it is constantly absent, this may indicate an existing disease, Budantseva emphasized.

The doctor drew attention to the fact that often such a loss of appetite can be a sign of thyroid pathology – hypothyroidism.

“A complete lack of appetite is an alarming sign, a symptom that indicates the possible presence of serious diseases – for example, hypothyroidism. In addition to a deterioration in appetite, other signs of decreased thyroid function are constant fatigue, chilliness (increased sensitivity to cold), constipation, joint pain, swelling, dry skin. These can also be rheumatic diseases, liver and biliary tract diseases, intestinal infections, hepatitis, kidney diseases, and so on,” the doctor warned, speaking with Izvestia.
Budantseva advised to see a doctor and consult if a lack of appetite in the morning has become a common occurrence for a person.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which diseases can cause severe edema.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.