
Doctor Belova: headaches and frequent urination are possible with salt abuse

feeling unwell
When we abuse salt, the body can react to its excess with very unpleasant symptoms, said physician Alexandra Belova.

Physiologically, the body needs salt, as in other trace elements, the expert noted. But with the abuse of salt, changes can occur, leading to some violations. In an interview with MedikForm, Belova's therapist said that. if salt is abused, headaches and frequent urination, as well as other problems, are possible.

High blood pressure.The specialist recalled that high blood pressure is one of the consequences of excessive salt intake. If you notice that your blood pressure has become a little high, the first thing to do is to change your diet, reduce salt.

Frequent headache. If you become more likely to suffer from headaches, this may be associated with salt intake, the expert explained. The susceptibility to headaches is affected by fluctuations in blood pressure, its increase.

Frequent urge to urinate.According to the specialist, salt addiction automatically increases thirst and additional fluid intake makes the kidneys work harder. However, even without such drinking, the kidneys try to pass excess salt with urine, forcing you to want to go to the toilet more often.

Therapist Ilyinskaya named four signs of salt abuse

Problems with concentration.
b> Abuse of salt can lead to dehydration of the body, which gets rid of excess salt along with fluid (urine). When the brain lacks moisture, problems arise with concentration and reaction speed.

Frequent nightly trips to the toilet can indicate hypertension and salt abuse

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Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.