
Do I need to drink collagen and can I stimulate my own?

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Nutritionist Elena Sukhanova told how to properly take collagen and what to do to make it better absorbed.

Today it is fashionable to take collagen in the form of various food supplements. Especially among those who are actively involved in sports. At the same time, it is important to correctly calculate the dosage and other factors that affect absorption.

“Hydrolyzed collagen is taken in doses of about 10 g per day for skin and joint health, and can be taken with meals, which is a great advantage. Undenatured collagen is taken at a dose of about 40 mg (that's 10 mg of pure collagen) once a day, ”says the specialist.
It is important to know that taking vitamin C with collagen improves its absorption.

If you are drinking collagen to improve the condition of your skin and joints, first make sure you do not have a protein deficiency. This can be done with a blood test. The norm is 75-85 g/l. It is also important to fill in advance the deficiencies of vitamins A, C, D, E, B9 and B12. To do this, we also donate blood for appropriate tests.

Methods for stimulating collagen production in the body are named

Is it possible to stimulate the synthesis of your own collagen? Can. Again, first of all, we solve the problem with the absorption of proteins. A gastroenterologist to help you.

A nutritionist explained why you need to use a calogen

We bring the work of the gallbladder and liver back to normal. We provide the body with adequate doses of vitamins C, A, D and group B. As much as possible, we minimize the stress factor in life, normalize sleep. Elena Sukhanova Elena Sukhanova Health Nutritionist , nutritionist