
Diabetes mellitus: why it cannot be ignored and must be treated?

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Endocrinologist Ilya Magerya told why you can't ignore the symptoms of diabetes and neglect treatment.

In this case, we will talk about acquired type 2 diabetes, as well as its consequences.

“With this disease, there is a lot of glucose in the blood, which destroys everything around,” says the expert.
Vessels, arteries, including the heart and brain are damaged. Vessels become thinner and more fragile. All this is fraught with strokes and heart attacks.

Due to disruption of the work of the eye vessels, vision deteriorates. Inevitably, there are disturbances in the work of the kidneys, as a result, edema appears. Pressure problems begin.

The nervous system suffers, the transmission of nerve impulses slows down, as a result it becomes difficult to perform even simple actions.

When all these factors coincide, the body literally begins to break down. Even the appearance of gangrene with subsequent amputation of the limb is possible.

If at the initial stage it is possible to solve the problem of acquired diabetes mellitus by correcting nutrition and lifestyle, taking vitamins, then in advanced cases it is no longer possible to do without drug treatment.

The doctor notes that it is possible to reverse the disease at any stage and stop its progression. The patient's desire and strict discipline in following the recommendations prescribed by the attending physician are important. Ilya Magerya Ilya Magerya Health Endocrinologist, head of the hormonal health clinic