
Dermatologist Perry: 4 important ways to treat sunburn

Dermatologist Perry: 4 Important Ways to Treat Sunburn
Dr. Ross Perry, Skin Specialist, Shares Four 'Important' Steps to Take Once You Know You're Burned in the sun.

“The sun in May is as strong as in August, so you should treat it accordingly,” the doctor began. “People can often be fooled by cooler winds, but UV rays are just as strong and just as likely to cause sunburn and sun damage.”
Dr. Perry said that “the most important thing to do when you realize you're getting sunburned is to get out of the sun immediately.”

Then “Moisturizing lotions such as aloe vera or other soothing after-sun lotions are best.”

A soothing lotion should be applied to damaged skin “every two hours” after a burn.

Dr. Perry added:
It is also important to treat a sunburn with cold flannel a few hours after the burn. After four to six hours, continue to apply regular moisturizers.”
If sunburn stings, Dr. Perry recommends taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.

Four important ways to treat sunburn:

  • Get out of the sun immediately
  • Apply moisturizing lotions such as aloe vera
  • Treat the burn with cold flannel
  • Take ibuprofen

“But prevention is always better than cure,” said Dr. Perry. “Sunscreen is a must during the spring months and all year round.”
Which SPF should I use?

Dr. Perry recommends SPF50, “especially if you have fair skin” .
“The ideal scenario is to apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going out into bright sunlight. If you regularly apply sunscreen every two to three hours, hopefully this will allow you to expose your skin to the sun all day long.”
Medicalforum has previously written about the benefits of cranberries.
Ross Perry Ross Perry Health Dermatologist at Cosmedics.