
Character can be revealed in 4 minutes

Character can be revealed in 4 minutes
Just 4 minutes of small talk can be enough to reveal the key personality traits of a person. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Warwick in the UK.

The British are traditionally ridiculed for their ritual conversations about the weather, but the exchange of pleasantries can leave not only a lasting impression, but also material for determining a person's personality. And this will affect future social interactions. The study showed that just 4 minutes of ordinary chatter on some abstract topic is enough to reveal some aspects of our personality. And for example, these minutes can be used to determine whether we are an extrovert or an introvert.

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Small talk may seem like a waste of time, but research shows it's an important way to get to know other people's personalities, which in turn helps you better predict how they'll behave in the future. These are the results of experiments involving 338 people who were divided into two groups before personal meetings.

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Each participant was asked to take a personality type test and an IQ test. Volunteers were divided into pairs, who either communicated with each other for 4 minutes or had no contact. And then they had to guess aspects of their partner's personality. It was found that 4 minutes of communication was enough to predict the IQ level of your partner and guess his answers to a personality test. (READ MORE) University of Warwick

University of Warwick


University of Coventry, County West -Midlands, UK. Part of the M5 Universities