
Cardiologist Varfolomeev called the first noticeable symptom of dangerous atherosclerosis – determined by gait

Cardiologist Varfolomeev called the first noticeable symptom of dangerous atherosclerosis - determined by gait

Your leg can report a dangerous accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries.

Called the silent killer, cholesterol can silently roam your arteries, causing serious health problems such as heart disease and strokes.

One telltale sign of cholesterol buildup can sometimes affect your legs. Here's how to identify the sign. High levels of “bad” cholesterol, also known as LDL, lay the foundation for plaque formation in the arteries.

“When you have too much plaque, your arteries can narrow and restrict blood flow. These narrow arteries cause the “first noticeable” sign of cholesterol buildup, known as lameness. As soon as your arteries constrict, your legs take another hit, leading to a “widespread” condition known as peripheral artery disease, cardiologist Oleg Varfolomeev tells MedicForum.

PAD causes “first noticeable” a symptom known as intermittent claudication. This red flag describes discomfort, pain, or leg cramps, according to the Health Portal.

“While leg pain can be caused by a variety of causes, from injury to strenuous exercise, lameness can be recognized by certain telltale signs.”

Symptoms of High Cholesterol: 4 Sensations in Leg Muscles – Fat Accumulation< br>
This type of pain and discomfort:

  • Develops with activity
  • Leaves with rest
  • Returns when you resume activity

In addition, limpness can cause your muscles to feel numb, weak, heavy, and tired. However, this pain does not only affect the leg, it can also reach the buttocks.

Two bodily sensations that indicate that cholesterol is “hardening” in the arteries< br>
Earlier, the MedicalForum wrote about the dangers of microplastics.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.