
Cardiologist spoke about physical activity with a sick heart

a walk in the park
Cardiologist Anna Korenevich told what physical activity should be for a sick heart, including a heart attack.

The presence of a diseased heart does not cancel physical activity – moreover, they are necessary, although they require compliance with certain conditions. Cardiologist Anna Korenevich recalled this.

A certain level of physical activity should be present even in the lives of people who have had a heart attack, the specialist is convinced.

“Physical activity is vital for people with a sick heart, although it is necessary to carefully select them after a heart attack,” says Anna Korenevich, a cardiologist.
Explaining what physical activity should be like with a sick heart, the physician noticed that such activity contributes to faster recovery, and also helps the hearts to normalize cholesterol, blood sugar, and pressure. Korenevich emphasized that physical activity promotes the growth of new blood vessels in the heart muscle, replacing damaged ones. This has a positive effect on the functions of the heart, its vitality

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But the cardiologist also said that physical activity should be supported carefully by the cores, depending on individual characteristics. According to Korenevich, after a heart attack, people may be afraid of exertion, but they should not be completely avoided.

Cardiologist Osipov called the symptoms that require an urgent heart check heavier than two kilograms is permissible only with certain variants of the development of a heart attack, ”said the cardiologist.
Earlier, the portal wrote about which organs can be affected in people who have recovered from the coronavirus. Anna Korenevich Anna Korenevich Health cardiologist, candidate medical sciences