
Cardiologist Serebryansky reported signs of an incipient heart attack

chest pain
Dizziness, fainting, falling may be signs of a heart attack, informed cardiologist Yuri Serebryansky.

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Doctor Serebryansky told in an interview, what conditions can be used to determine the onset of a heart attack. One of the typical signs of a heart attack is pain in the chest, he noted.

The main signs of the development of a stroke were named by the cardiologist Serebryansky

“In a heart attack, various kinds of pain in the heart, in the sternum region can be observed. They are compressive and stabbing,” Serebryansky said, talking to Moscow on 24.
The cardiologist said that this kind of pain in the circumstances of a heart attack is supplemented by other ailments. What can happen?

  • Profuse cold sweat appears.
  • Heads up.
  • Blood pressure rises.
  • < li>There is a fainting state.

  • Stability decreases up to a fall.

“When such symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance,” Yuri Serebryansky emphasized.
Earlier MedikForum portal .ru wrote about the signs by which you can recognize a stroke.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes . Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Yuri Serebryansky Yury Serebryansky Health cardiologist, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation