
Cardiologist Korenevich explained what helps to clear blood vessels from plaques

blood vessel
Adequate nutrition, sufficient rest, physical activity contribute to the cleansing of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, – cardiologist Anna Korenevich told about this.

The doctor stated: the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels reflects the development of atherosclerosis, depriving a person of health and chances to live a long life.

“Atherosclerosis is called a silent killer, because it does not bother a person in any way, but it progresses all the time. Plaques appearing in the vessels provoke premature aging, wilting, loss of health,” cardiologist Korenevich warned in the telegram channel.
The doctor said that one of the most important conditions for cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol deposits is cardio nutrition. In particular, you need to consume enough omega-3 fatty acids. Usually their source is called oily sea fish, olive oil. Anna Korenevich clarified that on Russian shelves you can find oils that are no less effective, but more affordable.

“One of the most useful products for blood vessels are hemp and linseed oils.”
The cardiologist noted that these oils contain significantly more omega-3 fatty acids than olive oil.

A cardiologist lists products to keep blood vessels clean and healthy

What else is important to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques?

  • Regular physical activity (at least 3-4 times a week).
  • Sufficient rest and sleep (with sleep disorders, the risks of atherosclerosis and thrombosis increase).

Anna Korenevich emphasized: in In the case of atherosclerosis, it is important to identify the causes of the pathology and eliminate them. Otherwise, attempts to cleanse the arteries and blood vessels will be ineffective

A cardiologist named simple ways to reduce cholesterol plaques

Earlier, the portal wrote about which diseases belong to the category of “silent killers”.< p class="warning_txt">Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Anna Korenevich Anna Korenevich Health cardiologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences