
Cardiologist Kondrakhin told when to stop walking

Walking is considered one of the best ways to improve health, but cardiologist Andrey Kondrakhin warns you should avoid it in the heat.

Walking is recommended daily , but the cardiologist Kondrakhin told me when to stop walking. The doctor explained to Narodny Novosti that walking should first of all evoke pleasant emotions – a person should like walking, he should see a lot of benefits for his body in such physical activity.

At the same time, Andrei Kondrakhin said, walks should be abandoned in the heat, if the hot weather provokes significant discomfort, or if there are chronic vascular disorders, varicose veins, hypertension and susceptibility to pressure surges.

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“In hot weather, the number of heart attacks increases sharply, as high temperatures and lack of water cause blood clotting and blood clots that can clog vital vessels in the heart area,” commented the expert.
In general, the cardiologist Kondrakhin advised, you need to go hiking in the summer prepared – especially for older people.

Signs of a heart attack at an early stage are named by a cardiologist out for a walk on summer days.

  • Always carry water with you. In the heat, you need to drink it periodically, taking a few small sips.
  • Wear a hat.
  • Walk measuredly, in small steps.
  • Think about the route in advance, it should not be something exhausting.
  • When feeling unwell, it is better to refuse a walk (especially if the weather is hot or stuffy).
  • Have a phone at hand, it may be needed if you suddenly feel unwell during the hike.

“In case of pain in the sternum, as well as shortness of breath and dizziness, you should immediately seek medical help,” the expert said.
Formerly portal wrote about the symptoms of heat stroke.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Andrey Kondrakhin Andrey Kondrakhin Health, cardiologist, therapist