
Cardiologist Evdokimova named 4 actions during first aid for a stroke

When providing first aid to a person with a stroke, it is important not to miss the “golden window” – the period of time when the therapy still has an effect.

In an interview with a doctor -cardiologist Yulia Evdokimova listed the “main actions” relevant in the circumstances of saving someone who suffered from a stroke. The doctor emphasized that assistance to the victims of this dangerous condition should be provided promptly – only in this case, one can count on the effectiveness of therapeutic measures, preventing especially serious consequences.

“When the first signs of a stroke occur, the first three hours are very important – they are “ a golden window” to help a person as much as possible, ”the cardiologist stated.
The following four actions during first aid for a stroke Evdokimova called the most significant for salvation.

  • First: calling an ambulance help.
  • Second: help the victim to take a horizontal position (his head should be raised).
  • Third: do not treat the patient yourself – do not give any medicine or water.
  • Fourth: to measure blood pressure, its indicators will need to be transferred to the doctors who arrived on the call.

Earlier, the portal wrote that a deficiency of a certain vitamin can contribute to irreversible damage brain hole. Yulia Evdokimova Julia Evdokimova Health cardiologist