
Can skin cream protect against heart failure?

Can skin cream protect against heart failure
Scientists in the US are trying to find out if skin cream can prevent heart failure in women. Testosterone must be added to this cream to achieve this effect.

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is a global public health problem. This form accounts for about half of all cases of heart failure, but it is three times more common in women. At the same time, among the fair sex aged 55 to 64 years, this form of heart failure is observed four times more often. It is during this period in the body of women the lowest concentration of testosterone.

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And now scientists from the USA decided to expand medical knowledge about the role of sex hormones, including testosterone, in the physical and mental health of women during menopause and postmenopause. Changes in the levels of sex hormones during menopause can cause severe symptoms in some women and cause serious consequences for heart health in the long term.

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During experiments with animals, it has been proven that low testosterone levels provoke heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Therefore, it can be assumed that an increase in this indicator will prevent this insidious pathology. Some time ago, the US approved a testosterone skin cream for postmenopausal women who suffer from sexual dysfunction. This cream has no negative impact on heart health, and now the researchers will try to find out if it also provides protection to the main pump in our body. (READ MORE)