
Can menopause be delayed?

Gynecologist Yevgenia Nazimova told what causes the onset of menopause and how to delay it.

All women are born with a certain supply of eggs in the ovaries. New eggs are not formed in us, during our life we ​​use what we already have.

“By the age of the first menstruation, about 300 thousand eggs remain in the ovaries of a girl, and this is not so much. The average woman will use up those eggs by age 50-53. And then she will begin menopause, ”says the expert.
What factors can bring the onset of menopause closer by reducing the supply of eggs ahead of time? These factors primarily include any hormonal changes that lead to the formation of cysts and tumors in the ovaries.

These formations destroy part of the ovarian tissue. In addition, you have to do operations that also reduce the supply of eggs.

In 25% of women, menopause causes suffering

All influences that impair the blood supply to the ovaries have a negative effect.

How to delay menopause: expert advice

Various toxic substances have a significant effect on the supply of eggs. These are alcohol abuse, smoking, psychoactive substances, drugs that are used to treat complex diseases: cytostatics, chemotherapy. And of course, metabolic metabolic disorders that impair the functioning of the whole organism and can lead to premature menopause. Evgeniya Nazimova Evgeniya Nazimova Health Gynecologist