
Anna Popova predicts an increase in the incidence of covid in Russia

Anna Popova predicts an increase in the incidence of covid in Russia
The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova is sure that an increase in the incidence will be observed in Russia due to the arrival of new sublines of the Omicron strain. However, there is no evidence yet that these subvariants cause a more severe course of coronavirus infection.

The level of herd immunity in Russia is gradually approaching zero, so the appearance of any more contagious version of the coronavirus will inevitably provoke a very large-scale wave of morbidity. It is quite possible that our country in this regard will surpass the UK and the USA, where 200,000 cases are now recorded every day. Both countries have already started talking about the need to return the mask mode, as the burden on medical institutions has increased. The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, is sure that Russia will also face this growth.

Rospotrebnadzor announced stabilization of the situation with coronavirus in Russia

Some of its signs are already noted in Moscow and other large cities. They are caused by the spread of new lines of the Omicron strain, which are more infectious. Now there is practically nothing to oppose them, since the level of natural immunity has decreased to a minimum. The Russians are not protected from the coronavirus, one can only hope that the new versions of Omicron will not provoke a severe course of covid.

The increase in the incidence of coronavirus in Russia has slowed down by 3.5 times

It cannot be ruled out that the increase in the incidence has been going on for a long time, but most victims of the coronavirus simply do not pass tests because the disease is asymptomatic or in mild form. Anna Popova herself does not see any increased risk for the Russians. However, she stressed that on the eve of a new wave, Russian regions should prepare an adequate number of beds for patients with covid. (READ MORE) Anna Popova Anna Popova Health Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare