
Anesthesiologist Kornienko answered why you can hear doctors talking under anesthesia

patient under anesthesia
Anesthesiologist Andrey Kornienko: a patient under anesthesia can really hear everything.

Anesthesiologist Kornienko was a guest on the program of doctor Alexander Myasnikov “The Most Important Thing”, in which he spoke about some of the features of anesthesia. In particular, the doctor denied the possibility of a patient waking up from anesthesia during surgery. According to Kornienko, modern anesthesiology has technologies, drugs and equipment that exclude the possibility of this event. At the same time, he confirmed that a patient under anesthesia can hear doctors talking.

When asked how this could happen, the anesthesiologist replied:

“This is possible if all components of anesthesia are not used, for example, sleeping medications, if they are not needed at this stage. In this case, the patient does not feel pain, but can hear.”
Kornienko also noted that some people are allergic to anesthesia. To prevent its risk on the eve of a planned operation (24 hours before), the anesthesiologist must consult and examine the patient, find out if he has any allergies to food products or medications.

“Unfortunately, an allergy to anesthesia sometimes manifests itself suddenly, this is the most dangerous case,” the doctor stated.
Kornienko added that medicine knows such a pattern: people with red hair are much more often than others at risk of developing allergic reactions when using anesthesia.

Earlier, the portal wrote that severe allergic reactions in some people can be caused by eating tomatoes.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Andrey Kornienko Andrey Kornienko Health anesthesiologist-resuscitator, doctor of medical sciences