
Allergy? Look for a problem in the intestines

allergy mask
The cause of allergies must be sought in the intestines. This opinion was expressed by clinical pharmacologist Anzhela Stepus.

“First, you need to understand what an allergy is in general. At its core, an allergy is an immune cell reaction to an invasion of foreign material. At the same time, immunity is overexcited, and it goes out of balance, ”the expert says.
It is at this moment that we see the manifestation of allergic reactions. It can be asthma, eczema, rhinitis… Anything, there are many options depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Who allowed this foreign agent provocateur of immunity to get inside?

It's a violation a protective shell between the outside world and the inner microcosm of our body. Where is this shell located? External agents can penetrate us through the skin, respiratory tract and through the intestines.

Why should the intestines be treated when an allergy occurs?

The last route, that is, the intestinal one, is the most popular. After all, 70% of our immunity is formed in the intestines. Therefore, as soon as this place becomes vulnerable, our immunity also weakens.

Scientists: diets lead to the extinction of microorganisms in the intestines

To remove this risk factor, you need to stop all inflammatory processes in the intestines, patch up it all the “holes”, encourage the growth of a new healthy immune layer (beneficial microbiome). Angela Stepus Angela Stepus Health Clinical pharmacologist