
A 47-year-old man was saved by his wife, who quickly noticed signs of a stroke on his face

A 47-year-old man was saved by his wife, who quickly noticed signs of a stroke on his face

Chris Darch, 47, a former football club manager, was playing in a charity match when he was hit over the head. Later that night, he had a stroke.

Fortunately, his wife Sharon was able to quickly identify the key warning signs that saved his life.

A stroke is considered a life-threatening medical emergency. Luckily, Chris' wife, the school nurse, was able to spot the illness right away.

“I was in the kitchen that night, making my wife a cup of tea, and I tripped. I fell and hit the cupboard, causing all the pots and pans to fall. This alerted my wife, Sharon, to come over. that my face fell to one side and I slurred words. I was taken to intensive care. The next day I was placed in the stroke department, where I stayed for eight months, “the patient describes his condition.

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“Symptoms like those described by Chris are typical of a major medical emergency. During an event, your face, mouth, or eye may droop to one side, preventing you from smiling. Your speech may also become slurred or distorted. You may you won't be able to speak despite being awake, and you'll have trouble understanding what you're being told.While these are some of the main red flags for a stroke, your arm mobility can also be a cause for concern,” says neurologist Alexandra Alekhina, commenting on a clinical case especially for MedikForum.
You may not be able to raise and hold both arms due to weakness or numbness in one arm. As soon as you experience these symptoms, you should “immediately” call an ambulance.

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Like all organs, the brain needs oxygen and nutrients that come from the blood to function properly. If blood flow is restricted or stopped, as during a stroke, brain cells begin to die, which can lead to brain damage, disability, and possibly death. This means that acting quickly during this emergency is critical.

MedicalForum has previously written about a diseased liver.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.