
4 Odors Commonly Described in Cancer Patients with an Incurable Diagnosis

4 odors often described in terminally ill cancer patients

Although people cannot smell cancer, odors associated with symptoms of the disease can become apparent, especially in advanced stages< /b>.

Cancer patients receiving palliative care usually suffer from a tumor whose spread is not treatable. At this stage, end-of-life care aims to alleviate the burden of symptoms in patients. However, caregivers sometimes struggle to deal with bad odors resulting from “super infections” and discharges.

Foul smelling patients with end-stage cancer often become a problem for their caregivers.

“Whatever the cause of the primary cancer, three sources of malodor can exist or coexist, (including) necrosis, superinfection, and sweating and/or discharge,” oncologist Andrey Vorobyov says specifically for MedicForum.
In necrosis, the smell has a tendency to reflect dead or necrotic tissue or bacteria in the wound, which can produce an odor comparable to that of rotting meat or rotting fruit. seek medical attention from a doctor.

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In most cases, a course of antibiotics is enough to clear the infection, but more severe measures may be needed to remove dead tissue from the affected area. In cancer, superinfection is usually defined as an infection that occurs during a course of antibiotics or within a week of stopping antibiotic therapy.

“As a preventative measure, any patient suffering from a stinking wound is advised to seek medical attention, otherwise the symptoms may worsen. Although these symptoms occur with all types of cancer, the most likely manifestation of symptoms on the epidermis is with various types of skin cancer.”

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Although infected moles are not a common sign of skin cancer, they can occur with severe forms of the disease, such as melanoma. In metastatic melanoma, the disease often spreads into the organs, but in some cases there is tissue infection that mimics fungal infections.
In the initial stages, the most common sign of skin cancer is the presence of freckles and moles or the appearance of new ones.

MedicForum has previously written about the benefits of black grapes.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.