Potassium-Rich Haddock Helps Lower Blood Pressure

Such a fish as haddock helps with regular use to reduce high blood pressure - also due to the high content of potassium in it, said Shona Wilkinson.Specialist on nutrition told in an interview with the Daily Express that the inclusion of haddock in the diet can have a hypotensive effect. Shona Wilki

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Can you get addicted to mayonnaise?

A person may well develop dependence on mayonnaise, nutritionist Margarita Koroleva states.In an interview with Koroleva TASS, a warning was sounded about the possible development of dependence on mayonnaise. Medic stated that it occurs as a result of how preservatives and fat present in the composi

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You can't drink yesterday's tea

Drinking tea should only be freshly brewed, said nutritionist Irina Mansurova.Specialist Mansurova said that the habit of drinking yesterday's tea should not be. “You shouldn’t drink tea brewed yesterday,” said aif.ru expert.Mansurova noted that sometimes people prepare a drink using a thick, in

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How much coffee is good for hypertension, and how much is bad?

People with high blood pressure should monitor their coffee intake.Individuals with severe high blood pressure should exercise restraint on coffee, but also should not do without it at all, a new study from Japan concludes. The researchers who conducted the study concluded that small amounts of caff

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Doctors piled suitable snacks for alcohol

Russian doctors recommended snacking on alcohol with lemon, dark chocolate.Recommendations on foods suitable as snacks for alcohol were made by the therapist, Professor Elena Malysheva , cardiologist Herman Gandelman, immunologist Andrei Prodeus, ophthalmologist Mikhail Konovalov, speaking in a TV p

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Spices that may improve liver health

Turmeric is one of those spices that help the liver cleanse itself.The liver is an essential organ of the body. It performs many functions: removes toxins from the blood, metabolizes alcohol, converts lactate into energy, activates enzymes. In addition, it regulates the content of fats, proteins and

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Doctor advised to eat certain foods while taking antibiotics

Gastroenterologist Yulia Alekseeva reported that the use of certain foods helps the body to endure a course of antibiotics with less risk of unpleasant consequences.Doctor Alekseeva recalled in an interview that antibiotics can aggressively affect the bacterial flora of the intestine. These drugs de

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The doctor explained in what violations you can not eat jelly

According to nutritionist Angelica Duval, jelly is contraindicated for people with gout, pancreatitis, kidney stones.The doctor explained in an interview what problems can occur with the use of jelly. Angelica Duval noted that this dish is a rich source of purines - organic compounds that, when inge

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