The doctor called the habit leading to fatty liver

The habit of abusing carbohydrate foods is fraught with serious problems with the liver, the development of fatty organ disease.A diet rich in carbohydrates (primarily refined - in the form of sweets, flour products, white rice) is closely associated with the development of NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatt

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Losing weight reduces the risk of cancer

A study by scientists from the Cleveland Clinic showed that rapid weight loss reduces the likelihood of developing certain malignant neoplasms. And you can quickly lose weight with a strong degree of obesity only after bariatric surgery. Cleveland researchers found that among obese adults who underw

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Can a protein diet be considered healthy?

Is a high protein diet healthy? The answer to this question was received by researchers from Rutgers University. Protein is an important component of a healthy diet, including for people trying to lose weight. A new study has shown that an increase in dietary protein can lead to better food choices

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Doctor Panova: men after 50 need to radically change their diet

According to the doctor, endocrinologist and nutritionist Oksana Panova, the nutrition of men over the age of 50 requires a radical restructuring.“After 50 years, men you need to radically change your diet so as not to die ahead of time,” the doctor said in an interview.Doctor Panova clarified that

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Frequent receipt of money causes frequent spending

The more often people get money, the more often they spend it. Sociologists from the United States came to this conclusion. As a rule, in Russia there are payments to full-time employees twice a month - advance payment and basic salary. But some workers can count on weekly bonuses, someone gets paid

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Cardiologist Ivanov: what fats are good and bad for the heart

Foods with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids are especially useful for strengthening the health of the cardiovascular system.In an interview with cardiologist Sergey Ivanov, an opinion was expressed :“Fat must still be supplied to the body, it has a lot of functions – energy and other.”E

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Why cyclists need to pedal regularly

Men who are keen on cycling should get up from their seats and pedal from time to time, researchers at the Medical University of Wroclaw in Poland have found. This is due to the need to avoid prolonged pressure on the genitals. Bicycling is one of the most popular and very useful exercise tools, it

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