6 must-have foods for those who want to get better

Proper nutrition consists of a variety of foods that take into account all food groups - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And here are 6 types of food that you must have on your plate if you want to gain weight.MilkA very nutritious product that you can include if you want to gain weight. It is ric

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The nutritionist called 5 reasons for a sharp weight gain

Nutritionist Ekaterina Yaschenko listed the five most common causes of rapid weight gain. How often do you have to deal with a situation - a person seems to not allow himself anything extra in food, but the extra weight still does not go away. This is not a simple symptom, and you need to understand

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Which Foods Lead to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

The use of certain foods negatively affects the cognitive functions of the brain, and also increases the risk of developing dementia.Foreign nutritionists have specified foods that lead to deterioration cognitive function and an increased risk of dementia."Regular consumption of sausages, sausages a

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Does SPF interfere with vitamin D absorption?

Gastroenterologist and nutritionist Yana Prudnikova told how SPF cream affects the body's absorption of vitamin D. Many people think that it prevents its formation.Vitamin D can enter our body in various ways and ways: with food, bioactive supplements, and also through the skin under the influen

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Eating okra instead of potatoes lowers high cholesterol

Eating okra may help lower high cholesterol levels, experts say.Eating too much fatty foods, not exercising enough, and being overweight contribute to cholesterol buildup . Its excess, in turn, increases the likelihood of heart problems or stroke. Therefore, doctors always recommend that patients wi

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Beer can age the body ahead of time

Why doctors advise not to get involved in the use of a foamy drink, especially those types of beer that contain additives that make it taste sweet.Beer can aging the body ahead of time - a foreign nutritionist Roxana Ehsani told about this in an interview.“Beer does not provide your body with the ne

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