How to start running? Expert shares advice

Dr. Natalya Liberanskaya shared recommendations that will help those who want to run but can't start.Many want to run, understanding the benefits of such physical activity, but getting started and getting involved is really not easy. We hope these professional tips will help you.“For those who h

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Different family members should not use the same dishes

If it is customary in a family to use dishes without restrictions, then different family members run the risk of transmitting infections to each other, the therapist Vera Sukhova said in an interview. Sukhova said that each member of the family, ideally, should have their own set of dishes, which no

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What foods should not be frozen: Dr. Lopatin

Therapist and gastroenterologist Sergey Lopatin advises Russians not to re-freeze meat and not to freeze some other products.How not to treat cystitis: a warning doctor-urologistDoctor Lopatin said in an interview that the topic of the benefits and harms of frozen herbal products is one of the most

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Named available seasonal products to reduce high blood pressure

According to nutritionist and endocrinologist Natalya Lazurenko, affordable seasonal vegetables like cucumbers can be very effective as natural antihypertensive remedies.In an interview, the doctor named available seasonal products to reduce high blood pressure. Separately, Lazurenko singled out cuc

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Named the best foods to protect against chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes damage to the organ, leading to an increase in fluid and toxins in the blood - as a result, high blood pressure and an increased risk of other problems.< br>Chronic kidney disease CKD is one of the silent killer diseases. Often the symptoms of the pathology do not

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The doctor debunked the popular ice cream myth

Doctor Leonid Karev refuted the popular idea of ​​ice cream as a product that can cause sore throats.The current opinion that after ice cream can develop a sore throat is a myth.“Ice cream cannot cause a sore throat,” Karev said in a comment to AiF.The doctor recalled that a sore throat, in which ch

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Immunologist Prodeus: what can help support immunity?

According to the immunologist Andrey Prodeus, the use of fermented milk products is one of the available effective ways to maintain good immunity.Prodeus recalled: the main organs of immunity are these are the brain and thymus, while the intestine is the habitat of the main number of immune cells.“N

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