The use of linseed oil can harm the body: Dr. Moroshkina

Gastroenterologist Elena Moroshkina: if flaxseed oil is used improperly, the stomach and pancreas can suffer.Doctor Moroshkina said in an interview about cases when The use of linseed oil can harm the body. In particular, the doctor advised not to eat it on an empty stomach - it is unsafe for the di

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Named the most dangerous sweet candy

Daria Rusakova, a dietitian, told about the most dangerous sweets for health. It turns out that the whole thing is in their composition.The sweeter the sweets, and the more non-natural components they contain, the more harm they pose to human health, according to nutritionist and nutritionist Daria

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Teachers give good grades to girls more often

A study by scientists from the University of Trento in Italy has shown a huge gender gap in school performance. Teachers are more likely to give girls higher marks because they are better behaved and easier to teach. A new study has shown that girls tend to get better grades than boys, even though t

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The doctor spoke about detoxification with the help of pumpkin

Pumpkin, a popular vegetable in Russia, can be used as a detoxification of the body. This opinion was expressed by nutritionist Olga Perevalova.Pumpkin contains a large number of elements that are very useful for the skin and eyes called carotenoids, so this vegetable must be regularly included in y

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Does milk help with stomach pain?

The doctor warns that milk should not be taken as a remedy for stomach discomfort - if it helps, the effect is still short-lived.There is an opinion that when drinking milk, stomach pain is relieved, since it neutralizes the acid in the stomach, which provokes irritation of its mucous membranes and

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Quercetin Foods Relieve Arthritis Pain: Most Beneficial

Foods rich in the anti-inflammatory plant pigment quercetin can relieve the unpleasant symptoms of arthritis, such as joint pain, swelling.The concept of « arthritis refers to a variety of diseases associated with joint inflammation, pain, and loss of normal mobility. There is no cure for this condi

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Tomatoes may be helpful in preventing prostate cancer

According to some experts on prostate cancer, men should include certain foods in their diet that help maintain good prostate health.Prostate Cancer ( prostate) is the most common type of cancer in men. According to some experts, proper nutrition can help reduce the risk of developing this disease,

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Eating potatoes does not cause heart disease

The widespread opinion of some experts that potatoes are dangerous to health has not been confirmed. Scientists have found that the potato diet, on the contrary, can be useful.Potatoes are full of useful nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, but traditional nutritionists for some reason advise

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Anti-aging products named by expert

Products whose components fight free radicals in the body help to slow down aging, says Svetlana Pavlichenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences, an expert in the field of nutrition.Pavlichenko said in an interview that, accumulating, free radicals begin to damage cellular structures, which contributes t

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