
What is glycation and why does it cause our skin to age?

facial skin care
Nutritionist Ekaterina Yashchenko told us what glycation is and what foods prevent us from maintaining the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

“Glycation is a chemical process that accelerates aging. It occurs in case of malnutrition and especially increases after 35 years, ”says the expert.
The collagen protein is responsible for the beauty, firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Excessive consumption of sugar, on the contrary, harms our skin. But not directly, but by acting through the blood. First, sugar thickens it, the proteins stick together, break down, and start to work incorrectly.

Collagen, when combined with sugar, also acquires a new structure. It becomes not flexible and mobile like a spring, but hard and inelastic.

The blood vessels also suffer from excess sugar, they become fragile, it becomes more difficult to transport nutrients to the skin cells through them. Nutrition slows down, recovery becomes more difficult, the skin ages.

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What causes glycation? An excess of fast carbohydrates in the diet (sweets, white bread), excessive consumption of fried foods with a golden crust.

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To keep the skin young and elastic for as long as possible, eat a balanced diet, exclude fast carbohydrates, take B vitamins, which help to suppress glycation processes. Ekaterina Yashchenko Ekaterina Yaschenko Beauty Nutritionist