
What home remedies help to rejuvenate the face: the opinion of a beautician

look in the mirror
Cosmetologist Ekaterina Apanovich said that butter, cottage cheese, lemon help improve skin condition.

Cosmetologist Apanovich named in an interview home remedies, helping to rejuvenate the face. In particular, the specialist considers masks made from the pulp of strawberries and cottage cheese useful. An effective moisturizer for the skin is natural butter, the expert added.

“If you want to cleanse the skin, lemon juice will do, you can safely apply it to the skin and rub it gently. The main thing is that the juice does not get into the eyes and does not cause irritation. Also, there should be no allergy to citrus fruits, ”the cosmetologist shared her opinion.
For those who use face creams, Apanovich advised them to apply them with massage movements as if they needed to straighten wrinkles. Those wrinkles that appear in the corners of the eyes should be pressed very lightly with the tip of the index finger. The doctor advised to fight bags under the eyes with the help of tea bags – they need to be kept for 30 minutes.

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The cosmetologist added that the youthful appearance largely depends on bad habits, their absence or, conversely, their presence. The abuse of smoking and alcohol makes wrinkles much more pronounced, as well as bags under the eyes. In addition, the skin condition is worsened by a lack of nutrients in the diet, especially protein, vitamins and healthy fatty acids

Doctor: face-building helps to quickly and effectively rejuvenate the face gymnastics for the eyes and face, as well as taking vitamins, especially vitamin D, ”the Life edition quotes the cosmetologist as saying.
Earlier, the portal wrote about what good habits experts recommend to acquire in the new year. =”warning_txt”>Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.