
What are lipolytics: is it possible to melt fat without sports and diets?

the girl is losing weight
Dermatovenereologist-cosmetologist Svetlana Chuikova told why lipolytics are used and to whom they are contraindicated.

It happens that getting rid of excess fat in the body is extremely complicated. For some, because of laziness, and for others, due to the specifics of metabolism and hormonal levels. In such cases, lipolytics come to the rescue.

“These are drugs that burn subcutaneous fat, turning it into acids that are excreted from the body naturally. They are used to remove fat, thus contributing to weight loss. These funds are one of the types of injections, they are injected under the skin through the thinnest needles, without incisions and anesthesia,” the expert explains.
They can be used in different parts of the body. Recently, they have gained popularity in cosmetology for the purpose of correcting facial contours. Made on the basis of natural products, they are well absorbed and do not cause rejection.

The specialist draws attention to the fact that with the help of lipolytics it will not be possible to get rid of excess adipose tissue completely. They are more suitable for minor corrections. If we are talking about the need to lose several kilograms at once, then here you can’t do without diet and sports.

Is this procedure allowed for everyone? No, there are contraindications. These are oncology, exacerbation of viral and bacterial diseases (including herpes), pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, lipolytics are contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Svetlana Chuikova Svetlana Chuikova Beauty Dermatovenereologist. Member of the Association of Dermatologists-Cosmetologists