
Top 6 bad habits that are detrimental to the condition of the hair

Dr. Svetlana Ishchenko listed habits that have a bad effect on the health and appearance of hair.

To understand if it's time for you personally to pay attention to your hair take a little test. Right now, run your hand through your hair to the very ends. Now look at the hand. Did she have hair? Count the hairs. If there are no more than 3-5, then everything is fine. If there is more hair left in the arm, it is a symptom that something is wrong.

“One of the bad habits for our hair is ignoring protein in food. Keratin is a protein. To renew hair (like any other cells) you need a building material. Protein is the base. The daily value is 1 g of protein for every kg of your weight. With a weight of 65 kg, you need to eat 250 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of chum or 300 g of beans daily. It is unlikely that someone eats so much, ”the expert says.
Be sure to analyze your diet for the presence of protein sources in it, both animal and vegetable (meat, fish, eggs, legumes, cottage cheese, cheese).

The second bad habit also concerns nutrition – ignoring trace elements. Almost everyone has a deficiency of zinc, iron, silicon, sulfur, selenium. It is difficult to fill them with food, you need to add natural vitamins and dietary supplements.

The third habit is to wash your hair with too hot water. It over-activates the sebaceous glands, as a result, the hair quickly becomes greasy and looks untidy. Wash your hair with water at room temperature.

The fourth is the frequent use of fixatives. They contain many harmful components (perfumes, silicones). They can cause allergic reactions.

Fifth – being in rooms with dry air. Control humidity levels at home and at work. Buy a humidifier if necessary. It is useful not only for hair, but also for skin, respiratory organs.

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Sixth is the habit of tying a tight ponytail and other squeezing hairstyles. Due to such actions, the bulbs are too tense, then weaken. It is especially important to give up this habit for those who have long hair.

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And remember that not only genetics matter. Bad habits can spoil even the most successful heredity. Svetlana Ishchenko Svetlana Ishchenko Beauty Infectious disease doctor, naturopath