
Top 5 Hair Health Products

Women are ready to spend most of the family budget on all kinds of shampoos, balms and masks for hair restoration and growth. Meanwhile, they must be treated from the inside, not from the outside.

Dr. Svetlana Ishchenko named the top 5 important products that will help make hair beautiful and healthy.

“Health always consists of simple daily activities. My entire 40-year experience as a doctor says that you should definitely focus not on diseases, but on supporting the body and it will cope with them without any medication, ”says the doctor.
For hair growth, you need to saturate your daily diet with foods that are rich in zinc, calcium and iron. We give up bad habits: alcohol and smoking kill the whole body, not just hair.

Now, as for the products. Number one on our list is oily fish. It can be salmon, mackerel or pollock. Due to the high content of omega-3, iron, protein and vitamin B12, these products have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. Omega-3, the deficiency of which our population is experiencing indiscriminately, can also be scooped from flaxseed oil.

Number two is green. Any, but especially spinach. Broccoli and green beans also work great. The richest sources of vitamins A, C and K. These elements regulate the balance of sebum, it is necessary for the natural hydration of the scalp and hair follicles.

The third important component is nuts. Almond, cashew, brazilian, walnut – whatever you prefer. Every day in small doses – one handful is enough.

Number four – all vegetables are orange. It's not just carrots. There is also pumpkin, sweet potato (they contain a lot of carotenoids – a derivative of vitamin A). You can use these vegetables in the form of juices, mashed potatoes, raw.

And the fifth point is legumes. A storehouse of vegetable protein! They are also rich in zinc, iron and biotin. Together, these products improve hair growth and prevent breakage. Trichologists recommend eating at least two cups of different legumes per week. Svetlana Ishchenko Svetlana Ishchenko Beauty Infectious disease doctor, naturopath