
Three steps to help beat cellulite

massage brush
Nutritionist Lyubov Pishchalkina told what to do to prevent the appearance of cellulite.

A huge number of women suffer from cellulite. Moreover, this problem often overtakes even those who, in principle, do not have excess weight or have very little of it.

Cellulite is not about excess weight, it is rather about the quality of the skin. And the skin is a mirror of the state of health of the whole organism. Therefore, if you want success, the approach must be comprehensive.

“The first and most important step is nutrition. Make it as clean and useful as possible. This means less junk food, trans fats and sugar, ”the expert shares his recommendations.
The second condition necessary to defeat cellulite is lymphatic drainage. Strengthen, activate it in every possible way.

In fact, there are many methods. It can be massage, training in the gym, cardio loads and body flex are especially useful in this case. Choose what you like best.

And the third step is all kinds of anti-cellulite creams, body wraps and surface treatments. Exactly in that order!

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In reverse order or without taking into account the first two steps, the third rule will not work, or the effect will be barely noticeable.

The discovery of the century: cellulite is caused by a special bacterium

All kinds of anti-cellulite creams, which today are so actively advertised by beauty bloggers, can only be used as an additional, auxiliary tool, and not as the main one. Lyubov Pishchalkina Lyubov Pishchalkina Beauty Nutritionist, nutritionist