
The nutritionist told what determines the beauty and health of the hair

Girl with long hair
Nutritionist Ksenia Borina told what factors affect the condition of the hair and why this issue should be approached comprehensively.
Beautiful hair cannot be achieved only with a good shampoo and balm. There are few outside funds. The condition of the hair can tell a lot about the health of our body as a whole. But if you follow some rules, you can improve the appearance of your hair.
⠀“One of the effective methods is head and collar zone massage. It enhances blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles. Also, dietary supplements will not harm. The most common deficiencies that occur with hair loss are iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, B12, B6, B9, protein and fat deficiency in the diet,” says the expert. The main building material for our hair is protein. Therefore, its presence in the diet in the required quantities is important. You won't grow beautiful hair on carbohydrates alone.
If hair falls out, dryness of the scalp appears, this may be a hidden symptom of problems with the thyroid gland. Possible lack of hormones.
What harms our hair? Refusal to wear a hat in winter. Hair follicles are very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and frost is a serious stress for them.
Also, do not abuse care products, in particular, never apply masks to the roots. The mask will create a film that can cause a malfunction of the sebaceous glands.
Nutrition also directly affects the health of the hair. Avoid sugar, which raises insulin levels. In turn, insulin raises testosterone, which is in no way compatible with the beauty of women's hair – from its excess, they will become oily too quickly.
As for hormonal health, do not get carried away with taking oral contraceptives. They affect the hormonal background and lead to the formation of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body. Ksenia Borina Ksenia Borina Beauty Nutritionist , psychologist