
The dermatologist named the two main products for skin care every day

face mask
Dermatologist-trichologist Tatyana Kolomiets listed the basic rules for home facial skin care.

It is home daily care that has a decisive influence on how looks like our skin. Rare trips to a beautician are not able to globally solve skin problems if daily care is not correct or sufficient.

“The most important thing in home care is washing and toning the skin. The cleanser should be suitable for your skin type and should not contain alcohol or acids. It should cleanse the skin well. After using it, there should not be a feeling of tightness and burning. Its main function is to cleanse the face of skin secretions mixed with dust and cosmetics,” says the specialist.
The second important tool for a complete home care is a tonic. Neither thermal water nor micellar can replace it. Replenish your arsenal of beauty products with a regular tonic, without aggressive acids in the composition – and your skin will be grateful to you.

The cosmetologist notes that the natural ph level of our skin is slightly acidic. When washing, we usually use alkaline products and disrupt the natural balance of the skin.

In response to such exposure, the sebaceous glands begin to defend themselves and work even more actively. As a result, we get the opposite of the expected effect. The tonic, thanks to the acidic environment, will just allow you to return the disturbed Ph balance to normal. Tatiana Kolomiets Tatyana Kolomiets Beauty Cosmetologist-dermatologist