
Is it possible to completely get rid of stretch marks on the skin?

cream on the skin
Dr. Vladimir Eni-Olorunda disproved popular myths about stretch marks on the skin, and also told whether it is possible to get rid of them completely.

Stretches on the skin (doctors call them striae) do not please anyone. And in particular, these external defects upset women. Most often, stretch marks appear on the abdomen, thighs, in the area of ​​the chest and buttocks.

Stretch marks are microtraumas of the inner layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. They do not pose a health hazard, but are considered a persistent lack of appearance. There are a number of cosmetic procedures designed to combat stretch marks. These methods do not completely destroy the stretch marks, but help make the lines on the skin less noticeable, ”the expert says.
Modern cosmetology and marketing do not miss the opportunity to capitalize on the desire of women to get rid of stretch marks by all means. This has given rise to a huge number of myths about stretch marks and the fight against them.

One of the myths is that stretch marks appear due to poor skin condition. In fact, this is not so. The reason for the changes is in hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, diligently rubbing “miraculous” creams into the skin, trying to improve its quality, is a waste of money.

The only thing you can do for your skin is to avoid rapid weight gain and prevent it from stretching in this way.

The second myth convinces women that stretch marks can be prevented. If you have a predisposition, you will not be able to completely rid yourself of this problem.

To minimize the effect, you can regularly undergo procedures that strengthen the skin: contrast showers, massage with a stiff brush, moisturizing, oiling.

Almighty advertising promises stretch mark victims a quick get rid of stretch marks. Women are ready to give any money. In fact, getting rid of stretch marks is very, very difficult, especially in the later stages.

“Young” can be considered striae that appeared no more than 6 months ago. Everything that is older is almost impossible to remove completely without surgical intervention.

At home, for prevention, you can use scrubs based on coffee, yogurt, aloe, essential oils, orange, sugar and salt, mummy, honey. Vladimir Eni-Olorunda Vladimir Eni-Olorunda Beauty Doctor of manual, physio- and reflexology, masseur