
Injections or treatments? The cosmetologist said that it is more effective

Cosmetologist Tatyana Evstigneeva told what is more effective for preserving the beauty and youthfulness of the skin – injections or superficial care procedures.

They dream of beautiful and young skin all women, regardless of age. Moreover, the older a woman becomes, the more acute the desire to keep her face young for as long as possible.

“In fact, injections and care procedures complement each other, you need to use both methods. This is especially true for patients who have crossed the 30-year age limit, ”the expert says. ⠀
If the first wrinkles have already appeared on the face, age spots have begun to appear – these are the first bells that indicate that the aging process has started. It's time to start visiting a beautician on a regular basis.

The main thing that the skin needs at this stage is nutrition. It is necessary to saturate it at the cellular level, as well as deeply moisturize. Both masks and injection procedures will come to the rescue. Most often, hyaluronic acid is used.

For the production of collagen and elastin, the skin must be further stimulated. Peelings are effective here.

Lifting procedures will help to smooth out wrinkles. In this case, masks and other treatments are no longer so strong. A visible effect is given by hardware techniques. Tatiana Evstigneeva Tatiana Evstigneeva Beauty Cosmetologist