
How to fight the signs of aging

How to deal with the signs of aging
Do not assume that only movie stars can afford anti-aging. There are scientifically proven natural ways to slow down aging.

Use fake tan
When you tan, your skin ages quickly. Regardless of whether you sunbathe on the street, in a solarium or with other equipment, everything is harmful. UV radiation is a type of radiation that accelerates skin aging.

Stop smoking
Smoking affects the body's natural signs of aging. A smoker's skin is wrinkled and has a lifeless, yellowish appearance.

More sport
According to studies, daily exercise improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system. As a result, the skin may look younger.

Facial Cleansing
It is necessary to clean the skin well and without fanaticism in order to maintain its health. Irritation accelerates the aging process. Dirt on the skin, cosmetics and other particles are removed gently without irritating the skin.

Mental health
The less stress, the younger we look. Alas, this pattern also works vice versa.

Spend time with friends and family
Longevity, as well as mental and physical well-being, increase through good relationships and a good social environment.

Accept your age
According to research, people with a good attitude towards aging live longer and get rid of problems faster. Aging is an inevitable fact of life, understanding and accepting it helps to live more cheerfully.

Get enough sleep
Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. In addition, it affects the health of the skin. The amount of sleep you need depends on your age. Persons over the age of 18 should try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

Water for beauty and health
Water is essential when we talk about healthy skin. Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water a day to keep your skin looking youthful and improve your overall health. Dehydration makes skin dry and dull, which accentuates wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Cleansing and moisturizing regularly
Cleansers and moisturizers are essential to protect and maintain healthy skin. However, regular soaps, which can dry out the skin, should be avoided. Instead, use a gentle cleanser that won't strip your skin of its natural moisture. Astringent or alcohol-based skin tonics should be avoided. Use a moisturizer in the morning and evening.

Eat more grapes
Sorbitol, a sweetener found in grapes, berries, plums, and pears, is a humectant, a chemical that attracts water and helps the skin absorb and retain moisture.

Faces of different ages were asked to view hundreds of photographs and determine the age of models with different facial expressions by eye. The most accurate results were obtained with neutral emotions, while participants seemed older when they expressed fear. But cheerful faces were considered younger than they really were. (READ MORE) The Health Site

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