
Endocrinologist told why cellulite appears and how to deal with it

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Endocrinologist Arina Tertyshnaya spoke about the causes of the appearance of “orange peel” and whether it can be removed forever.

The first thing you need to emphasize – no one is immune from cellulite. And this does not depend on gender, age and body weight.

“At the same time, we can notice that women are more prone to the appearance of cellulite than men,” says the expert. “The reason is that women have a distinctive structure of collagen fibers of the subcutaneous tissue, which leads to frequent fluid stagnation.”
It is important to understand that cellulite is not a disease. This is a feature of physiology, which has an aesthetic effect that is not very pleasant for women. That is why everyone is trying so hard to fight him. Cellulite does not pose a threat to health.

Hormonal causes, heredity, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle, metabolic disorders, malnutrition (in particular, protein deficiency), stagnation in the lymphatic system can provoke the appearance of cellulite. The features of the architecture of the skin are also affected.

As a rule, we see cellulite on the thighs. The fact is that in the female body, it is the fat in this zone that is the “reserve for a rainy day.” The body stores reserves here in case of starvation, childbearing, breastfeeding, and so on. And that is why, just on the hips, fat burning is not so intense.

To prevent cellulite, review your daily diet, give preference to a healthy and healthy menu. Physical exercises and massages help well.

External factors (creams, body wraps) have, rather, a secondary auxiliary effect.

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Often cellulite is a sign of that there are failures and disturbances in the hormonal system. Therefore, if you eat healthy and exercise, and cellulite still persists, check your hormones.

Cellulite: is it a disease and should it be treated?
Arina Tertyshnaya Arina Tertyshnaya Beauty Endocrinologist-nutritionist