
Endocrinologist called the causes of hair loss

hair on a comb
Arina Tertyshnaya, an endocrinologist, listed the most common causes of hair loss in women.

A huge number of women faced this problem, especially after suffering from covid. When is it worth sounding the alarm and starting to solve the problem?

If you see that the hair has begun to fall out clearly more than before. At the same time, it is not possible to grow the length, and the quality of the hair leaves much to be desired – they are dull and constantly split.

“This is a call that there is a breakdown in the body. Hair, skin and nails are the main indicators of the state of our women's health from the inside, ”says the expert.
And no shampoo or mask in this situation will help to achieve the expected effect. The problem is inside, and hair loss is just one of the visible symptoms. ⠀

To solve a problem, it is important to find its root cause. One of the most common is the lack of iron in the body, often hidden. You need to check not hemoglobin, but ferritin. This leads to the next reason – iron deficiency anemia.

Often, a lack of protein in the diet can provoke hair loss. Sometimes there is enough protein, but it is poorly absorbed. Here you need to look at acidity.

Hormonal disruptions can cause not only hair loss, but also many other problems, so it is important not to miss the first alarm bells. Tests unexpectedly for you can reveal hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, excess testosterone, elevated cortisol.

A common problem is spasm of cerebral vessels. Due to impaired blood circulation and lack of necessary nutrition, hair follicles suffer and hair falls out.

Sometimes everything is not so scary, it's just that the body simply lacks basic vitamins and minerals. As a rule, these are magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, biotin, iodine, vitamins D and group B.

Pay attention to the hairstyles you wear most often. The reason for the loss may be too tight tail or bun, frequent use of a hair dryer or ironing. Arina Tertyshnaya Arina Tertyshnaya Beauty Endocrinologist