
Early gray hair: how stress affects hair color?

gray hair
Sooner or later, everyone turns gray. But what if gray hair began to appear at the age of 25? Nutritionist Ksenia Borina shared her recommendations.

With the possibilities of the modern beauty industry, early gray hair is no longer so scary for women, but still I would like to understand the reasons. Is this the first marker of aging or just a cosmetic defect?

“In our skin there are special cells — melanocytes that produce melanin pigment. Without it, our hair would be white. The keratin that makes up the hair is also colorless. Keratin scales absorb pigment as they grow, then the hair acquires color, ”says the expert.⠀
As the body grows and ages, the amount of melanin decreases. This is how gray hair occurs. What does melanin production depend on? From a number of factors.

From constant stress – the more cortisol, the less melatonin. From oxidative processes in the body. An anti-inflammatory diet, vitamin intake and physical activity will help neutralize them.

It is also important to control the health of the thyroid gland – a deficiency of its hormones leads to a malfunction of the whole organism. As for vitamin deficiency, at the first signs of early gray hair, it is especially important to monitor the level of vitamins B12, D, as well as minerals: iron, iodine, selenium and biotin. And, of course, an adequate intake of protein, which is the main building material of all cells in our body.

And one more thing. Whatever marketers say, creams, masks, balms and shampoos, supposedly designed to reduce gray hair, cannot solve the issue. These are just advertising gimmicks. The question is solved only from within. Ksenia Borina Ksenia Borina Beauty Nutritionist