
Doctor Pletner named the symptoms with which you need to urgently go to a proctologist, doctor Alisova listed the symptoms of rectal cancer

Doctor Pletner named the symptoms with which you need to urgently go to a proctologist, doctor Alisova listed the symptoms of rectal cancer

A proctologist treats diseases of the rectum and anorectal area. The most common diseases in the practice of a proctologist are hemorrhoids, anal fissures, fistulas and polyps.

These diagnoses, unfortunately, are familiar to many people. But at the same time, we remain one of the most “shy” specialties. “Information revolutions” seem to be passing by—many patients still avoid the proctologist’s office until the last minute, although in this case there is no need to wait until it “goes away on its own.”

A proctologist, head of the treatment and diagnostic center of the National Clinical Center No. 2 of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. acad. B.V. Petrovsky Pavel Pletner.

“Each person is a bit of a diagnostician for himself and the first stage in identifying any disease. Any complaints that fall outside the concept of “well-being” deserve attention. Pain, discomfort, pain, itching, the appearance of “bumps”, disruption of the skin in the anus. Especially carefully you need to take into account the quality of the stool, the presence of discharge from the rectum (blood, mucus, pus). These are obvious “red flags.”
The risk of self-medication lies in the delay in making a timely correct diagnosis. It is very sad when a patient treats cancer with ointments and suppositories for years, thinking that it is hemorrhoids. And one visit would be enough to make a diagnosis and prescribe further surgical treatment or chemoradiotherapy to save a life, but the visit is too late.

Gastroenterologist Alexandra Alisova spoke specifically for MedicForumWhat are the symptoms of rectal cancer that can masquerade as hemorrhoids?

“Rectal cancer is a malignant tumor disease that can manifest itself with various symptoms.”

Alisova listed some of them:

Blood in stool or on paper after bowel movement

This is one of the most common symptoms of colorectal cancer. The blood may be bright red or dark, depending on the location of the bleeding and how quickly it occurs.

Changes in intestinal transit

Color cancer can cause changes in stool regularity and consistency, such as diarrhea, constipation, or alternation of these conditions.

Pain and discomfort in the rectal area

Patients may experience pain, discomfort or a feeling of tension in the anus or rectum.

Feeling of voiding after intercourse defecation

Patients may feel that bowel movement is not completely completed after a bowel movement, even if they believe that they have completely emptied their bowels.

Weight loss for no apparent reason

Weight loss may be the result of decreased appetite from -for colorectal cancer or decreased absorption of food by the body.

Fatigue and weakness

Rectal cancer can cause general symptoms such as fatigue, weakness and a feeling of low energy.

Feeling of pressure in the rectum

Patients may experience a feeling of pressure or tightness in the rectum or anus.

“It is important to note that symptoms of rectal cancer may vary depending on the stage of the disease. Some patients may not experience symptoms in the early stages of cancer, so regular testing and screening are important to diagnose and treat the disease,” says Alisova.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, especially if they continue or get worse , it is important to consult a doctor for further examinations and diagnostics.

Earlier, MedicForum wrote about products that help replenish vitamin deficiencies.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.