
Cosmetology is an integral part of our life: what are they ready to offer us?

Any woman and many men in Russia and in the world, no matter what age category they belong to, will always find a flaw in themselves, which means that the development of cosmetology will be relevant forever.< /b>

The history of the development of the world and domestic industry

Cosmetology began its development path back in the Ice Age, even then the fair sex applied drawings to their faces and bodies, tried to decorate themselves with stones, shells, and made punctures in their ears. However, the true cradle is Ancient Egypt. It was there that the first kind of beauty parlors appeared four millennia ago, where the Egyptians used the services of hair dyeing, makeup, massage, nail care and facial care in the form of various masks and cleansing. It should be noted that the Egyptian “beauticians” used a lot of brushes, spatulas and other devices in working with the face, which can also be regarded as a hardware technique, naturally at the stage of its inception. A millennium later, the baton from Egypt was picked up by China, and then by Japan and Greece. Japanese and Chinese women, who belonged to the aristocracy, also visited cosmetologists and actively used their services. Women from the lower strata tried to keep up and prepared masks, cleansers and hair care products on their own.

In Russia, the use began in the 16th century. Tooth powder was brought in, salons began to appear actively, where noble ladies learned what facial treatment was. However, long before that, in the early 40s of the seventh century, the granddaughter of Vladimir Monomakh, Zoya (Evpraksia) wrote a work where she described recipes and experience in using ointments, rubbing, and some body care products. The work was called “Ointments”.

The middle of the 18th century was a turning point, it was then that the French Academy of Sciences, by order of the king, began research in this area, which does not stop today. Later, German scientists joined the French. The first serious steps were taken in the field of hardware cosmetology, during the Second World War, research was suspended. The first apparatus, which was designed for facial rejuvenation, was released in 1970, and already in 1978, the apparatus of the method gained immense popularity among foreign beauties.

Domestic topics developed based on the experience of foreign ones. By the way, among the beauties of the Soviet Union, the industry as such was not widespread. Our grandmothers were more willing to harden, observe the daily routine, eat right, actively go in for sports, it was believed that this was exactly what was needed in order to have beautiful well-groomed skin and regular body shapes. However, the 80s turned everything upside down, foreign beauties sang from the blue screens, thin fashionistas with unthinkable haircuts walked along the catwalk, perhaps this was the impetus for the fact that beauty parlors began to appear here and there.

It should be noted that the Soviet law very strictly regulated the list of cosmetic procedures and could only count on:

  • Manicure;
  • Pedicure;
  • Eyebrow shaping and coloring with tweezers;
  • Eyelash tinting or artificial lashes;
  • Face/neck massage hygienic nature;
  • Hardware or manual facial cleaning, provided that the client does not suffer from acne;
  • Make-up.

The end of the 90s is the heyday of the Russian cosmetology market: new technologies, procedures, preparations for rejuvenation and correction of flaws in beauty appear. Small beauty parlors are being replaced by beauty salons, where Russian women go in whole strings. No one can be surprised by the hardware and aesthetic ones, and domestic beauties resort to the methods of plastic surgery and cosmetic implantation, changing their face and body beyond recognition. lip augmentation, cheekbone correction with several injections.

Russian and foreign cosmetology today

To date, the trend is such that the excitement for cardinal methods in cosmetology (we are talking about surgical intervention) has begun to subside. Many women have experienced various negative consequences of cosmetic surgery, when at first the effect is striking, and after a very short time period, sagging of the skin tissues appears, and then a repetition of the procedure or new double injections is required. In addition, a huge number of deaths have been recorded if injections or plastic surgeries are performed by an amateur whose main goal is financial gain.

Thus, women try to apply the latest methods of the good old hardware and aesthetic cosmetology. Since these are very promising industries, world and domestic scientists, in tandem with leading experts, conduct in-depth research and actively introduce new techniques that exclude gross surgical intervention. One of these promising areas has become a laser technique.

The modern aesthetic industry has about a hundred types of laser devices. As a result of numerous studies, scientists and cosmetologists agreed that laser exposure is the safest technique, since the results of using this technology are easy to predict. Simply put, melanin, protein, hemoglobin and water, being biological objects, are characterized by a certain oscillation frequency. Working with a laser, a cosmetologist can easily determine which wavelength of a particular radiation will have a direct effect on a particular chromophore:

  • Water evaporates during the grinding process – the skin becomes even, traces after acne;
  • Protein heats up – a noticeable lifting effect occurs;
  • Melanin is destroyed – elimination of traces of pigmentation;
  • Hair follicle bulbs are destroyed – an effective method of epilation.
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Laser cosmetology methods have gained immense popularity also because they are absolutely safe and patients do not experience any discomfort or pain during the procedure. The effect of such a course, aimed at eliminating any problem, lasts much longer than from a plastic technique. Let's give a simple example: if you perform a surgical operation for a circular facelift, which in itself is considered not a simple plastic surgery, you can achieve a quick result, which at the same time will please the patient for at most 2 years. Moreover, if you complete a full course of laser therapy, designed for 24 procedures (1.5 months), and then attend maintenance sessions 2 times a year, then you can enjoy the effect of tightened skin for about 5 years.

Of course, modern premium cosmetics such as: creams, lotions, serums, scrubs, peelings, and so on are also able to provide a visible lifting effect, solve the problem of acne and get rid of post-acne problems.

What in the future will cosmetology give us?

Cosmetology as such is a very promising and sought-after area, so scientists work day and night to discover new technologies, invent new drugs and devices. Cosmetic procedures are no longer household services, but a whole field for research work, which is the best evidence of the fact that 10 years ago, qualified cosmetologists began to be trained at medical institutes. This is an extremely important aspect, since even the most seemingly insignificant procedure carried out by a self-taught person can turn into terrible consequences for the visitor.

To be honest, foreign technologies in this area have stepped forward, which is why many higher educational institutions institutions, as well as the country's leading clinics, seek to send their wards abroad to exchange knowledge and gain practical experience.

Today, this industry is being actively improved, they are developing innovative methods aimed not only at combating a cosmetic problem, but also with its complications. Now the priority is the foundation of evidence-based medicine, in other words, scientists are aimed at developing fundamentally new corrective methods that have been tested and scientifically substantiated. Today, a cosmetologist is not just a craftsman, but a clinically and critically thinking specialist.

Speaking objectively, the development of regenerative cosmetology is currently a priority. Autologous plasma and own fibroblasts effectively fight the signs of age-related skin changes and its imperfections.

A new round of development is also waiting for the hardware one, as large-scale developments are underway in relation to the design of innovative devices that allow you to quickly and painlessly take action on aesthetic problems, as well as level the consequences of injuries, burns, unsuccessful plastic surgeries, and so on. Worthy of attention are revolutionary picosecond technologies, a device designed for fractional ablative radiofrequency lifting procedures. Cold laser hair removal is also developing dynamically, some women have already been able to experience its benefits.
The technologies of botulinum therapy and contour plastics have not been left without attention, since these methods, although not entirely safe, are aimed at a quick visible effect.

Summing up, it should be noted that experienced cosmetologists try to combine several methods at once and, before starting the course, they focus on skin preparation. Cosmetic methods and technologies of today are really striking in their diversity, but this is the individual choice of each woman: what she is ready to do and how much to pay for it. The most important thing is not to rush into the pool with your head and before taking this or that step, carefully weigh all the pros and cons, while understanding that each cardinal method has a more gentle analogue, only the result will have to wait a little longer , but the retribution will not be so severe.


This article is a flagship in this direction, we will describe in detail all the procedures of the industry and tell our readers. Stay tuned for the latest materials on the cosmetology news tag located at the bottom of the article.

Especially for industry professionals and discerning readers, we made small inaccuracies in the article in order to biasedly discuss them in the comments and come to the truth together.