
Argan oil for facial skin

Argan oil for facial skin
Natural vegetable oils are highly valued today in cosmetology. If we talk about facial care, then argan oil is considered the reference in this area. Argan oil is rich in vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated acids that are important for the health and beauty of the skin. This substance is considered a universal remedy for maintaining youthfulness and health of the skin of the face.
Practice shows that the rejuvenating, moisturizing and lifting effect from the use of masks, creams and serums with argan extract is visible after the first procedures. What explains the effectiveness of this natural remedy, and what face masks can be prepared with it, we understand in a new article.

Features of argan oil

The raw material for oil production is the seeds of the fruits of the argan tree, which grows only in Morocco in northern Africa. It is strictly forbidden to export the fruits of this plant in an unprocessed form. To get 1 kg of the finished product, you need to process the fruits collected from six trees. Now it is clear why cosmetic argan oil simply cannot be cheap, even though two crops are harvested from trees a year.

Outwardly, the extract from the argan fruit is an oily liquid with a pleasant nutty aroma, brown-amber hue. Food grade oil has a more reddish color and a pronounced smell of almonds. Immediately after opening the package, you can feel a subtle aroma of a nut in a cosmetic product, but after just a few seconds it dissipates.
Argan oil is expensive, so it is often called liquid or Moroccan gold and even the “oil of life”. As a cosmetic product, it is used in the form of:

  • face masks,
  • body and face compresses,
  • active additive to enrich creams or other cosmetics,
  • products to facilitate sliding during massage,
  • products for moisturizing and strengthening hair and nails.

Value and popularity of argan oil in face and body skin care led to the fact that this product is often counterfeited. In order not to buy a useless fake instead of the original product, pay attention to the following factors when buying:

  • 1. Country of origin — Morocco.
  • 2. The name of the plant in Latin is Argania spinosa.
  • 3. Cost— the price of a 50 ml bottle cannot be less than 1000 rubles.
  • 4. Packaging — tinted glass bottle.
  • 5. Shelf life — no more than 2 years.
  • 6. Color – rich amber brown.
  • 7. Smell – subtle nutty, disappears 3-5 seconds after opening the bottle.

Chemical composition and useful properties

Argan oil for facial skin1
The extract from argan seeds differs from other vegetable oils in its extremely rich and varied composition. This explains the popularity of the product among cosmetologists, cosmetics manufacturers and supporters of home remedies for the face made from natural ingredients.
Let's consider the main components of argan oil: fatty acids, including linoleic and oligo-linoleic acid (Omega-6), which explains its pronounced moisturizing properties.

  • Polyphenols and tocopherols (vitamin E) give the oil antioxidant properties. These compounds suppress free radicals, slowing down the aging and wilting of the skin.
  • Argan extract is also rich in vitamins A, C, D, F and contains phytosterol (< i>steroid alcohol).
  • For best results, include argan oil in your skin care program for dry, flaky and tight skin. However, cosmetics and procedures with this product are not recommended for owners of oily skin type.
    Inclusion of argan extract in the regular facial care program gives the following results:

    • 1. Rapid reduction of inflammation symptoms.
    • 2. Evening complexion and lightening pigmentation.
    • 3. Effective prevention of early aging due to pronounced antioxidant properties.
    • 4. Noticeable softening and increase in tissue moisture in one application.
    • 5. Activation of regeneration processes in tissues, accelerated wound healing.
    • 6. Deep nutrition and restoration of weakened skin.
    • 7. Reliable protection of epidermal cells from the harmful effects of UV rays.

    Another important feature of argan oil is that it is a hypoallergenic agent, therefore it is suitable even for gentle care of the delicate skin of babies.
    < h2>In what cases is the use of argan oil indicated?

    Argan oil for facial skin2
    Argan extract is suitable for the prevention of the first signs of fading and aging of the skin, as well as for noticeable violations of its condition. The main indications for the use of this natural cosmetic product are:

    • The appearance of a large number of new wrinkles in a short time and the deepening of existing folds.
    • The rapid appearance of various signs of aging and withering of the skin.
    • Dry skin type, feeling of tightness.
    • < li>Microtraumas and wounds on the face, acne.

    • The presence of inflamed skin.
    • Avitaminosis.
    • Hyperkeratosis.
    • Increased susceptibility to exposure to sunlight.
    • Hyperpigmentation and an unhealthy, dull complexion.

    Include argan oil in your cosmetic arsenal in the first place is the owners of aging and dry skin. The composition of the Moroccan remedy optimally meets her needs, it enhances the natural regeneration processes, deeply nourishes and moisturizes, helps the epidermis cells to get rid of toxins faster. As a result, you get a noticeable anti-aging effect without harmful chemicals.
    The high content of fatty acids and vitamins in argan oil makes it useful not only for the skin, but also for the hair. This natural product helps to heal curls, solve the problem of dandruff, improve hair structure and eliminate common scalp health problems.

    Rules for effective and safe use

    Use of vegetable oils in care behind the face requires a careful and responsible attitude. If you want to see the desired result of cosmetic procedures with argan extract in the mirror as soon as possible, follow a few simple rules:

    • 1. Cosmetics with argan oil or pure product should only be applied to previously cleansed skin.
    • 2. The high content of fatty acids and pronounced moisturizing properties make argan oil unsuitable for oily skin types.
    • 3. There is no need to use large portions of the product at a time. Just a few drops are enough for one application or enrichment of cosmetics.
    • 4. It is recommended to leave a mask with argan extract on the face for no more than half an hour. 30 minutes is enough to penetrate deep into the skin.
    • 5. To cleanse the skin of the remnants of a homemade mask with argan, you can use warm kefir or milk.
    • 6. The best effect is achieved with the course application of cosmetics with argan extract. For example, a cream with such an additive in the composition can be used in the morning and evening for 7-10 days, then you need to take a break.
    • 7. You can not enrich the finished cosmetics with vegetable oil by adding it to a jar or tube, because such a composition is not stored for a long time.
    • 8. You need to add the active to a single portion of the cosmetic immediately before applying to the skin directly in the palms or in a separate mini-package.
    • 9. Argan oil can be applied in its pure form, including on the skin of the eyelids. A light massage will help make the procedure more effective.
    • 10. Argan extract is an excellent base for esters and blends well with other fatty vegetable oils.

    Cosmetics with argan extract can be used all year round. And given the ability of this substance to effectively protect the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, it becomes mandatory for use in the warm season.

    Application options

    Valuable oil from Morocco in home care facial skin can be used in many ways:

    • in its pure form,
    • as an additive to ready-made cosmetics,
    • for homemade masks, serums, massage mixtures, etc.

    In any case, before applying a pure extract of argan seeds or cosmetics with it, the skin must be properly prepared:

    • 1. Wash with foam or gel to remove particles of sweat, sebum and dust accumulated on the face.
    • 2. Dry your face by gently blotting the remaining moisture with a terry towel.

    Only after cleansing, you can apply cosmetics with argan or oil in its pure form on your face.

    Enrichment of finished cosmetics

    You can significantly increase the effectiveness of your usual face cream by enriching it with argan oil. To do this, follow the following algorithm:

    • 1. Before going to bed, spread a small amount of cream on clean skin as usual.
    • 2. Spot a few drops of oil on the skin.
    • 3. Run your fingertips along the massage lines in a massaging motion.

    We recommend doing this just before going to bed for maximum effect.
    You can mix a small amount of cream with argan oil beforehand. At the same time, remember that such mixtures are not stored for a long time, so prepare enriched cosmetics in minimum portions for 2-3 applications, no more.

    Homemade masks

    Homemade masks are considered the most effective cosmetic use of argan seed oil in facial care. Preparing such mixtures is not difficult, even novice fans of home remedies for the face will cope with this task. Most recipes include available ingredients, do not require special skills or complex professional tools. In the following section, you will find several argan face mask recipes for various skincare needs.

    Best face mask recipes

    Argan oil for facial skin3
    If you want to try the beneficial properties of argan for yourself, we suggest preparing homemade face masks according to proven recipes.

    Mask for sensitive skin

    • Sour cream or yogurt without additives – 1 tbsp. spoon
    • Egg yolk – 1 pc.
    • Oatmeal – 1 pc.
    • Argan oil – 1 teaspoon

    How to prepare and use?
    Mix all the ingredients, apply evenly on the face and leave for 30 minutes. After half an hour, remove the remaining mask with water and apply your usual moisturizer.
    The procedure will cleanse the pores, make the complexion even and fresh, improve the overall condition of the skin.

    Mask for dry skin< /h3>

    • Oatmeal or ground cereal – 1 tbsp. spoon
    • Natural honey – 15 g
    • Egg white – 1 pc.
    • Argan oil – 0.5 tsp

    How to cook and use?
    Mix all the ingredients of the mask to a homogeneous consistency and apply evenly on clean face skin for 20 minutes. Remove the remnants of the mixture with cool water and use the usual softening cream.
    Mask components provide deep hydration of epidermal tissues.

    Mask for problem skin

    • Tea tree ether – 4 drops (k.)
    • Argan oil – 1 tbsp. spoon

    How to prepare and use?
    Thoroughly mix the argan base with ether and apply locally on problematic, inflamed skin for 40 minutes.
    The ingredients of the mask have a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, so it effectively relieves inflammation, enhances the protective functions of the skin and refreshes the complexion. You need to make such a mask daily until the inflammation is completely eliminated.

    Mask for aging skin

    • Banana – 0 5 pcs
    • Liquid honey – 1 teaspoon
    • Argan oil – 1 teaspoon
    • Rose oil – 5 cups
    • < /ul>How to prepare and use?
      Puree banana, add other ingredients and mix until smooth. Apply the mixture to cleansed face for 20 minutes. When the time is up, wash your face with cool water and apply a nourishing cream. The mask has a lifting effect, improves skin firmness and elasticity. Performing this procedure 3 times a week, you will increase the turgor and tone of facial tissues and smooth out mimic wrinkles.

      Eye mask

      • Olive oil – 3k
      • Almond oil – 3k
      • Argan oil – 3k

      How to prepare and use?
      Mix the oils together and apply with light tapping movements to the area around the eyes. Don't rinse. The mask helps to smooth out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow's feet”).

      Express mask for oily skin

      • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon
      • Argan extract – 3-4 k.
      • Liquid honey – 1 tbsp. spoon
      • Fat-free yogurt – 3 teaspoons

      How to prepare and use?
      Mix all the ingredients to get a homogeneous mass, apply it on your face for 10-15 minutes, then wash with water. The procedure tones and brightens the skin.
      Keep in mind that honey, citrus juice and esters can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, before applying the prepared mask to your face, lubricate your wrist with a small amount of the mixture and check the application site after a few hours for signs of inflammation.

      Lip and eyelash care

      Argan oil for facial skin4
      To protect the delicate skin of the lips from wind, frost and sunlight, lubricate the lips with argan extract 1-2 times a day.
      This natural remedy is also suitable for eyebrow care and eyelashes. It will become a source of vitamins and minerals for strengthening and rapid growth of hairs. You can take care of your eyebrows and eyelashes with argan oil like this:

      • Apply a few drops of the product to the tips of the eyebrows and eyelashes.
      • Comb them with a clean brush from the old mascara.
      • You can perform this procedure before at bedtime or half an hour before applying decorative cosmetics.
      • A couple of drops of the product are enough for one session, it is not necessary to exceed the dosage in order to prevent oil from getting into the eyes.

      Customer reviews

      What do buyers say about argan oil? We have collected some opinions on this issue for you:
      “Argan oil has become my favorite soothing and protective agent against frost and wind. Exactly what you need in winter and autumn.”
      Margarita Oreshko
      “I add a few drops of argan to my face cream. I noticed the effect after 2 days! No tightness and dryness, my skin is now moisturized, soft and very tender, super!”
      Evgenia Lisitsina
      “I liked how argan oil helps to smooth wrinkles. The results are especially visible near the eyes, the nasty crow's feet have become less noticeable. ”
      Lyudmila Sivina

      Be careful

      Argan oil has no particular contraindications. It is advisable to refuse to use it only in case of individual intolerance or allergies (occurs extremely rarely). This product is also not recommended for those with oily skin.
      We also note that although argan oil accelerates the healing of wounds and injuries, you should not apply it directly to the injured area, you need to treat the healthy skin around it.
      In order for cosmetic procedures with argan extract to bring you exceptional benefits, use only a real high-quality product. The signs by which you can distinguish an original product from a fake are given at the beginning of the article.
      Before the first use, be sure to conduct a home test:

      • A little argan oil or cosmetic product apply to the inside of the elbow or the skin behind the ear.
      • If after a while you feel a burning sensation, itching, see a rash or redness, then you should not use the product.

      Short summary

      Natural argan oil is a product that is difficult to find flaws. And its relatively high cost more than pays off with the benefits that this amazing product brings to the skin, hair, nails.
      At the end of the article, we will summarize and list the main arguments in favor of buying and using argan oil in facial care:
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    • A rich composition, including many vitamins, minerals, fatty acids that moisturize and nourish the skin.
    • Care for the skin in a complex way: moisturizes and nourishes, soothes and protects from ultraviolet radiation, strengthens protective functions.
    • Almost no contraindications.
    • Regular use gives a noticeable and lasting effect.
    • No risk of overdose.
    • Easy to use.
    • Versatility: suitable for all ages and skin types, including children's.