
Nutritionist: Hibiscus tea removes toxins and helps you lose weight

Hibiscus tea is a drink made from dried hibiscus flowers. It has a bright red color and a refreshing taste with a slight sourness. Hibiscus has many health benefits.

Tea contains powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, which help protect the body from free radicals and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer.

Hibiscus helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which helps maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels.

Rich in vitamin C, hibiscus helps strengthen the immune system, increase its protective functions and cope with colds and viral infections.

Hibiscus can help in the fight against excess weight, as it contains few calories and helps improve metabolism .

Hibiscus has a mild laxative effect, which helps improve digestion and relieve constipation.

Aromatic hibiscus tea has calming properties, helps you relax, relieve stress and improve your mood.

How to prepare? Pour hot water over dried hibiscus flowers and let steep for a few minutes. You can add a little honey or lemon to give additional taste.

Nutritionist Elena Solomatina said that hibiscus tea is drunk to prevent atherosclerosis and improve the condition of blood vessels and capillaries.

— You can drink it for ARVI and other colds. It will help remove toxins and relieve spasms in the body due to its magnesium content, the doctor noted.

Hibiscus is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcers, gastritis, high acidity are on the list of contraindications. It can also provoke an exacerbation if there are stones in the gall and bladder. Hypotonic people need to be careful when drinking this tea, dizziness may occur.

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Important< span style="color:#fc272d;">! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.