Medical equipment is used for treatment and diagnosis, rehabilitation and patient care in healthcare organizations. The characteristic features of such orders are related to the functional, technical and operational characteristics of such goods. Before making a purchase, a medical and economic justification should be prepared. That is why it is necessary to collect as much data as possible about the items that the medical equipment distributor offers. Currently, the main resource for accessing such information is the websites of distribution companies.
For example, you can take the website of MedComplex A.V.K, Russia's leading distributor of medical equipment. How is the company website structured?
The site has not only a general catalog by area, but for the convenience of customers, all product items have been divided into 3 main categories:
- Equipment
- Furniture< /li>
- Tools
Each category contains several subcategories, for example “Anesthesiology and resuscitation”, “Obstetrics and gynecology”, “Diagnostics”, “Laboratory”, “Sterilization and disinfection”, etc., and for each product item there is complete documentation about the manufacturer and technical characteristics of the product, including a detailed description of the item, packaging, transportation data, registration certificate of the medical device.
A separate direction for the development of the company MedComplex A.V.K. sees in the distribution of dental equipment: “One of the most promising areas in the development of the medical equipment market is dentistry. Today we offer everything that is required to receive a patient – dental units, polymer lamps, scalers, periodontal centers, endomotors, protective face shields, optics and muffle furnaces,” says Sergey Airapetyan, the company’s development director. What is important is that the company adheres to the principle of “retail for legal entities” – that is, it is possible to purchase goods starting from 1 commodity unit. Thus, it is possible to equip each individual dental office with all the necessary equipment at virtually a wholesale price.
Sergey Airapetyan states: “We provide a full supply of medical equipment for the fastest preparation of dental offices for licensing.”
The necessary dental equipment for sterilization and disinfection is presented in the catalog with storage chambers, ultrasonic baths, bactericidal irradiators, steam and dry air sterilizers and has more than 100 items.
And for surgical intervention we offer: EHF devices, centrifuges, physical dispensaries, aspirators and dental instruments made of stainless steel – reusable, having a variety of functions, which creates additional convenience for the doctor’s work. The catalog of tools includes raspators, mouth dilators, forceps and elevators.
It can be quite difficult to take into account all the nuances and features of purchasing medical equipment. Therefore, when making a purchase, it is very important to work with trusted partners who can advise and advise. The MedComplex A.V.K company has been on the market for more than 20 years, and has established relationships with suppliers and experience working with customers. We provide suppliers with the full cycle of assistance when entering the federal market, and we guarantee competitive prices and product quality to customers.
Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.