
“They are actually beneficial”: nutritionist Onufriychuk named lard among mistakenly harmful products

Nutritionist Yulia Onufriychuk listed foods that are mistakenly perceived as harmful.

Nutritionist Onufriychuk told RIA Novosti that a number of so-called harmful products are actually beneficial, strengthening health and supporting the active functioning of the body. In particular, fatty dairy products are mistakenly considered harmful, the expert stated. The specialist explained that when consuming dairy products with a high fat content, vitamins and calcium are fully absorbed, which cannot be said about products that have been skimmed.

“Skim milk and sour cream contain only slightly fewer calories than milk with 3.2% fat or sour cream with 20% fat. But the difference in the lack of vitamins will be significant, and calcium is poorly absorbed from skim dairy products,” Onufriychuk warned.
The nutritionist also advised not to be afraid to eat fatty cottage cheese. With a fat content of 9% and 18%, it will give the body a lot of vitamin D, which is important for immunity, and provide calcium and fat, which the body needs to perform many functions.

In addition, it is useful to eat butter in a certain amount. Speaking about this, Onufriychuk noted that cholesterol in moderate amounts is necessary for the body, since it is used to synthesize sex hormones.

Among the mistakenly harmful products, Onufriychuk also named pork fat. It can be consumed daily in the amount of 10-15 grams.

“A healthy product that is undeservedly ignored is salted pork fat. It helps to avoid a deficiency of valuable arachidonic acid, which is absent in vegetable oils and is one of the essential fatty acids,” the nutritionist postulated.
Earlier, the portal wrote that nutritionist Elena Solomatina named lard among the products that strengthen the immune system during the onset of autumn.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Yulia Onufriychuk Yulia Onufriychuk Healthy lifestyle, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the dietetics department of the ROSBIOTECH University