
“Positive Attitude, Squats, and a Pet”: Doctors Name Life-Saving Habits

a man with a dog
Some habits effectively help slow down the aging process and prolong life.

When naming life-prolonging habits, doctors state that one of the important conditions for achieving longevity is a positive attitude. People with a positive outlook cope better with stress, are less prone to anxiety – in general, such a habit can provide an additional 4 years of life. Poor stress tolerance and chronic anxiety are closely associated with a high risk of heart and brain diseases – heart attack and dementia.

Another life-long habit is daily squats. According to research, this exercise, if done regularly, helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes by 20%.

“If you exercise too intensively, you can get the opposite effect, but such simple physical activity helps to achieve the desired effect. The habit of squatting every day helps to add 2.4 years to your life,” AiF reported.
Those who want to live a long life should remember: a regular sleep and wakefulness schedule contributes to prolonging life. In other words, you need to go to bed at the same time in the evening, and you need to wake up in the morning at the same time. Maintaining a strict sleep schedule allows you to add 2 to 5 years, while its absence and lack of sleep seriously affect the development of obesity, diabetes, dementia – factors that shorten human life.

Another habit that leads to longevity is the desire to acquire pets.

“Communication with pets normalizes blood pressure and helps reduce stress levels, which leads to inflammation and destroys the immune system. Having a pet, you can add 2.4 years to your life,” experts say.
The habit of eating right also prolongs youth and years of life. Among the products that help you live longer, doctors highlight legumes and fermented foods. Scientists associate the benefits of legumes with the high level of fiber, which normalizes digestion and prevents sugar surges that cause inflammation. Fermented foods improve the intestinal microbiome, which is responsible for the functioning of the immune system.

Earlier, the portal wrote that intermittent fasting is one of the working ways to slow down aging.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.