
“Has anti-cancer properties”: nutritionist Galkina advised eating beet tops

Nutritionist Oksana Galkina explained why it is useful to eat beet tops.

Nutritionist Galkina drew the attention of Russians to the benefits of such a variety of greens as beet tops. The doctor noted that beet leaves have an anti-cancer effect. This effect is provided by the content of specific substances in them, which are also present in root crops.

“This vegetable owes its antitumor properties to betaine (amino acid) and betacyanin (red pigment). These substances are capable of destroying cancer cells,” the specialist said in a comment to
Galkina added that beets are also rich in magnesium. This microelement effectively helps prevent malignant tumors.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which foods and drinks are useful for protecting against the occurrence of thrush.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Oksana Galkina Oksana Galkina Healthy lifestyle nutritionist of the Altai regional oncology dispensary “Nadezhda”